This journey that leads itself

Research; means to slow down and re-look or as Walker [1991] frames it, the task of research is to make sense out of what we know. We must, as Walker continues, "investigate, dismantle and reassemble conventional or common sense meanings, finding sense between what seems strange and what is familiar, striving to find new ways of looking and being in the world."

We are coming together as fellow researchers, to look at where we have come from and where are headed. We will continue to listen and respond so that we may find new ways to strengthen this relational journey of discovery, one that is a collective expedition. We must take a close look at that [our systems, our ideologies, our access] which shapes our individual and/or loved one's expreinces. We are always learning, in pursuit of upholding the National Recovery Framework that advocates for;

Hope, self-determination, self-management, empowerment and advocacy. 


Our beginnings
Founded by Mark and Gay Forbes with the support of the Sunshine Coast Community.  

endED began at a point of intersection of many personal journeys. Mark and Gay Forbes opened up their home on a fortnightly basis to parents, carers and loved ones journeying the Eating Disorder labyrinth.

endED took shape, led by the community who stepped forward. Through shared discourse, we bared witness to the growth of knowledge that has facilitated more support for individuals and their networks. Support in the way of exploring inclusive and accessible multidisciplinary teams who preface working collaboratively.

This shared knoweldge and wisdom has continued to strengthen and dimistify what is otherwise, a disorientating journey. Since the activation of this community-led gathering, we have expanded our offerings and reach. However, central to everything that we do, remains connection. Connection to those; living with Eating Issues or an Eating Disorder, and to our Parents, Carers, Partners, Siblings, Extended Community, Teachers, Mentors, and Friends of the Sunshine Coast Region.

We will continue to move forward, forging a community support network that assists with accessing pathways to treatment and support, promoting parental and carer contributions to treatment outcomes and driving ideals of collaboration with eating disorder professionals and services, solidifying a connection pathway nurtured by our endED community. We feel so grateful to continue to find strength with one-another, to prop up our shared responsibility [as a community] and to strengthen a greater sense of belonging. 


Our involvement in the development of the first Australian live-in Eating Disorder Residential 

Wandi Nerida; Mooloolah Valley 


Over the course of 24 years, Mark and Gay Forbes tried every available support service to help their two daughters who live with eating disorders. They learnt that the support their family needed simply was not available, and sadly they learnt that in this, they were not alone. In just those very first endED gatherings it became clear that Mark and Gay’s story was all too common. As the endED fortnightly meetings grew, a vision formed for a new way of treating people living with eating disorders in Australia. In other countries around the world, specialist, home-like residential treatment facilities existed to give people the perfect setting and the holistic support they needed to recover. Australia did not have even one.

endED’s mission was clear. 
Establish Australia’s first live in residential eating disorder facility.

The project begun by identifying the right setting for the residential. Mark found the perfect 25 acre property in Mooloolah Valley. Putting their own home on the market to finance the sale of the property, Mark and Gay needed backing from the community, and it wasn’t long in coming. Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson introduced them to Roy and Nola Thompson. Roy and Nola’s family too had been tragically touched by eating disorders and understood the pain and suffering they inflict. When Roy heard that Mark and Gay needed funds to settle the purchase of the land he took an endED business card from Mark, turned to his wife and simply said “Nola, we just bought this guy’s business card for $1 million”. 

Within two days, the property was settled. Others too came on board and played an important role. Local Federal MP Andrew Wallace had his family’s own eating disorder story to tell. Andrew invited Mark to Canberra and introduced him to the Prime Minister, the Treasurer and Minister for Health Greg Hunt. Mark made a pitch for construction funding to Minister Hunt and waited to hear what the answer would be. Back on the Coast, endED’s campaign for help from the community gathered pace. More than thirty local businesses came on board to pledge money, materials, skills and expertise to help make the House a reality. Mark and Gay lived on-site with their grandaughter, Ruby for the first eighteen months. During this time Mark volunteered his time as the project manager for the duration of the build. 

Without each of these businesses and their owners, who recognised the pressing need for this facility and pledged their support, endED Butterfly House would never have got out of the ground. In particular endED would like to acknowledge BA Murphy for taking on this project as Principal Contractor on a cost only basis and for providing major savings through pro bono and in-kind support.

Finally, it all came together when Minister Hunt and Andrew Wallace announced that the Federal Government would help. In all, the Government promised $2 million to endED and Butterfly to allow construction to go ahead and $4million to Butterfly to help run the facility over its first four years. endED Butterfly House, now operated by the Butterfly Foundation, and endED resigned from the WN operating board in Nov 2020. This residential now holds a new name "Wandi Nerida" a name gifted by our traditional Elders here on the Kabi Kabi and Jinibara land.

The name means“gather together to blossom”

This space is truly a community project that has brought the Sunshine Coast together. It is built on local philanthropic support, on the support of the Federal Government, of Sunshine Coast Council and of all the wonderful local companies that are listed on this website. We look forward to seeing this space unfold for our community and Nation and we are excited to watch this space to support those who engage with their service and diverse healing modality.



2019: Our next venture 

endED House of Hope, Woombye, Sunshine Coast
L-R Millie Thomas, Mark Forbes and Gay Forbes.

What is the shape of our Community?
How do we listen and highlight the spaces between?

endED purchased what we now call House of Hope, positioned on 2.7 acres, on the 10th December 2020.

Here, we continue expanding our lived experience-informed and community-based offerings [outlined on our home page]. 

With all that we do, we seek to celebrate points of connection to each other, self and the environment. This process hopes to encourage intrinsic passion, motivation, interest, excitement and connection with others. 

 More about our approach is highlighted here. 


Our Approach


Our Valued
1000 Club Members

Our endED 1000 Club Member monthly contributions help support our lived experience endED support team members.

FC Lawyers

Our Valued
150 Club Members

Our endED 150 Club Member monthly contributions help support our lived experience endED support team members.

Suncoast Concrete Repairs Mosaic Property Group Unity Partners Royal Lubricants The Siera Group Lancini Group Heyman Produce Locaters Utility Services BCS Broking Abacus Group Inology Australia Merthy Law Mosaic Constructions The AH Team Bentleys - Sunshine Coast McGrath Real Estate The Post Office Bar Soil Health Solutions Mosaic Property Management Universal Law

Each day we meet and honour the land in which we gather. Here on the land of the Kabi Kabi and Jinibara Peoples. We would like to acknowledge their continuing connection to land, waters and culture and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We pledge our ongoing solidarity with the traditional owners and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, in their struggle for recognition of sovereignty, historical truths and justice.